Project Description

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Already have prior experience in traffic management or currently working in the traffic management industry? Here is how to get recognition for prior experience and fast track your way to gaining your new TC and TMI credentials.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a valuable opportunity available to all students who can demonstrate their existing skills and knowledge relevant to the TC/TMI Traffic Control and Traffic Management levels. To commence an RPL application, students will receive an RPL pack tailored to each level of TC and TMI they are pursuing. If the student opts to proceed after reviewing the application, then payment will need to be completed in full. Upon payment, the student must complete enrolment, submit the application, and provide all evidence substantiating their competency in each level applied for as listed in the application.

Upon receipt of the provided evidence, our team will review it thoroughly and provide feedback regarding its alignment with the assessment criteria for the applied skill set levels. If the evidence meets the standards of sufficiency, authenticity, currency, and validity, applicants will be scheduled for a meeting with one of our approachable assessors. This meeting will involve both verbal and theory-based assessments.

It’s crucial to understand that making a payment doesn’t guarantee a satisfactory competency outcome. Full payment is solely for assessing your skills against the skill sets you’re applying. 

It’s the responsibility of the student to demonstrate that they meet the requirements of these skill sets and if needed commit to any gap training suggested by the assessor Failure to meet these requirements will result in an unsatisfactory outcome. 

Please note that the following pre-requisites still apply and RPL will need to be completed as appropriate:

  • CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry  or equivalent is a prerequisite of both TC1 and TMI1
  • TC1 is a prerequisite of TC2
  • TMI1 is a prerequisite of both TMI2 and TMI3

Gap Training Explained:

Gap training refers to the additional training provided to students who have undergone an assessment and have been found to have gaps in their knowledge or skills. This training aims to fill those gaps, ensuring that the students meet all the required competencies for a particular qualification or skill set. Here’s a more detailed explanation:

  1. Assessment Review: During the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process, the evidence submitted by a student is reviewed against the relevant competency standards.
  2. Identification of Gaps: If the assessor identifies areas where the student’s knowledge or skills do not fully meet the required standards, these are considered “gaps.”
  3. Training Plan: Based on the identified gaps, a tailored training plan is developed. This plan outlines the specific areas where the student needs additional training and the methods to address these gaps, such as coursework, practical training, workshops, or other learning activities.
  4. Completion of Training: The student undertakes the gap training as per the plan. This training aims to equip the student with the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the competency standards fully.
  5. Re-assessment: After completing the gap training, the student is reassessed to ensure they have achieved the required competencies.

Gap training ensures that students who do not initially meet all the requirements still have a pathway to achieve full competency through targeted additional training.

PRICING: The cost varies depending on the TC or TMI level. Please contact our office directly for pricing details.

Gap Training is charged at an additional cost if needed and will be discussed by the assessor.


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